Is Your Woke Bae Really Woke? 15 Signs to Look Out For

So, you're on a date with someone new, and things are going great... until they make a comment that leaves you feeling uneasy. It could be a subtle joke that just doesn't sit right, or maybe they express an outdated viewpoint on a social issue. Whatever it is, it's a definite red flag. Don't ignore those warning signs, no matter how charming they may seem. Trust your gut and pay attention to the clues that your date may not be as progressive as you initially thought. For more dating advice and tips, check out this website.

In the world of dating, finding someone who is socially aware and politically conscious can be a huge turn-on. However, just because someone claims to be a "woke bae" doesn't necessarily mean that they truly embody those values. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating may not be as woke as he thinks he is.

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1. Lack of Intersectionality

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One of the key principles of being woke is understanding intersectionality, which is the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender. If your guy only focuses on one aspect of social justice and fails to see how different forms of oppression intersect, he may not be as woke as he claims to be.

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2. Performative Activism

It's one thing to post about social justice issues on social media, but it's another thing to actually take meaningful action. If your guy only engages in performative activism, such as sharing articles or attending protests for the sake of appearances, without actually doing any real work to make a difference, it's a red flag.

3. Tokenism

Does your guy only have one or two friends of a different race or background, and constantly references them as proof of his wokeness? This could be a sign of tokenism, where he uses these friendships as a way to validate his own beliefs without truly understanding the experiences of marginalized communities.

4. Lack of Empathy

Being woke means having empathy and understanding for the struggles of others. If your guy lacks empathy and is quick to dismiss the experiences of marginalized groups, it's a clear indication that he may not be as socially conscious as he claims to be.

5. Ignorance of Privilege

Woke baes should be aware of their own privilege and use it to uplift others. If your guy fails to acknowledge his privilege and instead gets defensive or dismissive when it's brought up, it's a sign that he may not truly understand the concept of privilege.

6. Disrespectful Language

Using derogatory or offensive language, even if it's meant as a joke, is a major red flag. A woke bae should be mindful of their language and avoid using words or phrases that perpetuate harmful stereotypes or reinforce oppressive systems.

7. Lack of Accountability

When called out for problematic behavior or language, a woke bae should be willing to take accountability and make efforts to do better. If your guy gets defensive or refuses to acknowledge his mistakes, it's a sign that he may not be as woke as he claims to be.

8. Failure to Listen

Listening to the experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities is crucial for being woke. If your guy dismisses or ignores the voices of those who are oppressed, it's a clear indication that he may not truly understand the importance of listening and learning from others.

9. Inaction on Important Issues

Being socially conscious means taking action to address important issues such as racism, sexism, and LGBTQ+ rights. If your guy fails to actively support or engage in efforts to combat these issues, it's a sign that his wokeness may be superficial.

10. Lack of Education

A woke bae should be constantly educating themselves on social justice issues and seeking to understand the experiences of others. If your guy is complacent in his knowledge and fails to actively seek out information, it's a sign that his wokeness may be more about appearances than genuine understanding.

11. Centering Himself in Conversations

Does your guy constantly make conversations about social justice all about himself and his experiences, rather than centering the experiences of marginalized communities? This self-centered approach is a clear indication that he may not truly grasp the importance of centering the voices of those who are oppressed.

12. Resistance to Change

Being woke means being open to growth and change. If your guy is resistant to learning and evolving his beliefs, it's a sign that his wokeness may be shallow and performative.

13. Lack of Respect for Boundaries

Respecting the boundaries and autonomy of others is a key aspect of being socially conscious. If your guy fails to respect your boundaries or those of others, it's a sign that he may not truly understand the importance of consent and respect.

14. Lack of Diversity in Media Consumption

Woke baes should actively seek out diverse perspectives and voices in the media they consume. If your guy only engages with media that reflects his own experiences and fails to seek out diverse voices, it's a sign that his wokeness may be limited in scope.

15. Hypocrisy

Finally, if your guy preaches social justice and wokeness, but fails to live up to those values in his own actions and behaviors, it's a clear indication that his wokeness may be nothing more than a facade.

In conclusion, finding a truly woke bae can be a challenge, but by being mindful of these 15 signs, you can better assess whether the guy you're dating truly embodies the values of social consciousness and justice. Remember, actions speak louder than words, and being truly woke requires ongoing education, empathy, and a commitment to making a difference in the world.